Living the Gospel through Serving Others
Prayer & Intercession
The Word of God teaches us that the effect of prayer is real. Things happen because we pray that wouldn't happen if we didn't pray. Prayer is relevant. It will never be some "out of date" ritual. Prayer is effective with effects that can be instantaneous or progressive. We minister in prayer and intercession to anyone in need.
We have been blessed to be a blessing. Christians are often accused of not doing enough to help others. That fact is, we can't always financially help everyone who has a need. But we don't excuse ourselves from the responsibility of helping others. The Bible never teaches or commands a church as an "entity" to support individuals needs. This is to be done by the individual Christian through the practice of almsgiving - giving of time and resources to help others in need. It is a very personal matter; not a photo opportunity or publicity stunt.
Children's Ministry
When we say Children's Ministry, we mean ministry! It's more than babysitting. Our teachers are committed to presenting the Word of God and Christian living in a practical, relevant way. Children can know their God, not just know about Him, and experience Him in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Because we integrate children in our regular Sunday School, all of our Church family has an opportunity to get involved in reaching and teaching our children.
ASL Interpretation
We want everyone to have the opportunity to receive the message of the Gospel. American Sign Language interpretation of our services is available.
Spanish Translation
The Gospel sounds beautiful in any language. Translation of our services into Spanish is available.
Home Missions
A home missionary is someone who has dedicated a season of their life to establishing a Church in the United States. We are blessed to give of our time and resources to help invest in these Kingdom efforts.
World Missions
A world mission is an evangelistic work in a country outside of the United States. This includes missionaries who have left their home countries to serve in a foreign field and works under the oversight of national laborers. We have been blessed to have a direct impact through giving of time and resources to the nations of Belize, Indonesia, Kenya, and the Philippines as well as supporting Bible Translation projects through IBT Russia.
Change for a Change
Through something as small and simple as collecting spare change, we financially support special projects throughout the year. A new project is chosen every quarter with each person in the church asked to give at least two quarters per week. Through this project we have been able to support local service institutions, assist home and world missions, and fund special humanitarian projects such as supplies for the elderly, shut-in, and homeless in our area.
The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ International, Inc.
We work together with the Ministers, Saints, and Churches of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ International, Inc. to promote local and national conferences, camps, youth programs, and to provide a network of good Christian fellowship and accountability.